
Only on Unix-like systems

The following approach only works on Unix-like systems (i.e. Linux and macOS) since Windows does not support shebang lines.

For simple scripts, you can use pixi exec to run them directly without needing to take care of installing dependencies or setting up a virtual environment. This can be done by adding a shebang line at the top of the script, which tells the system how to execute the script. Usually, a shebang line starts with #!/usr/bin/env followed by the name of the interpreter to use.

Instead of adding an interpreter, you can also just add pixi exec at the beginning of the script. The only requirement for your script is that you must have pixi installed on your system.

Making the script executable

You might need to make the script executable by running chmod +x
#!/usr/bin/env -S pixi exec --spec bat -- bash -e

bat my-file.json

Explanation what's happening

The #! are magic characters that tell your system how to execute the script (take everything after the #! and append the file name).

The /usr/bin/env is used to find pixi in the system's PATH. The -S option tells /usr/bin/env to use the first argument as the interpreter and the rest as arguments to the interpreter. pixi exec --spec bat creates a temporary environment containing only bat. bash -e (separated with --) is the command that is executed in this environment. So in total, pixi exec --spec bat -- bash -e is being executed when you run ./

You can also write self-contained python files that ship with their dependencies. This example shows a very simple CLI that installs a Pixi environment to an arbitrary prefix using py-rattler and typer.
#!/usr/bin/env -S pixi exec --spec py-rattler>=0.10.0,<0.11 --spec typer>=0.15.0,<0.16 -- python

import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from typing import get_args

from rattler import install as rattler_install
from rattler import LockFile, Platform
from rattler.platform.platform import PlatformLiteral
from rattler.networking import Client, MirrorMiddleware, AuthenticationMiddleware
import typer

app = typer.Typer()

async def _install(
    lock_file_path: Path,
    environment_name: str,
    platform: Platform,
    target_prefix: Path,
) -> None:
    lock_file = LockFile.from_path(lock_file_path)
    environment = lock_file.environment(environment_name)
    if environment is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Environment {environment_name} not found in lock file {lock_file_path}")
    records = environment.conda_repodata_records_for_platform(platform)
    if not records:
        raise ValueError(f"No records found for platform {platform} in lock file {lock_file_path}")
    await rattler_install(
                MirrorMiddleware({"": [""]}),

def install(
    lock_file_path: Path = Path("pixi.lock").absolute(),
    environment_name: str = "default",
    platform: str = str(Platform.current()),
    target_prefix: Path = Path("env").absolute(),
) -> None:
    Installs a pixi.lock file to a custom prefix.
    if platform not in get_args(PlatformLiteral):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid platform {platform}. Must be one of {get_args(PlatformLiteral)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":