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Starship with Pixi support Starship with Pixi support

Starship is a cross-platform and cross-shell prompt for developers, similar to oh-my-zsh, but with a focus on performance and simplicity. In starship/starship #6335, Pixi support is being added. This pull request has not been merged at the time of writing. That's why @pavelzw created a conda package for his fork in The packages are being built in GitHub Actions in the pavelzw/yolo-forge GitHub repository using rattler-build. You can install it using the following command:

pixi global install -c -c conda-forge starship-fork-pavelzw

For information about how to configure and set up starship, see the official documentation.

In order for starship to always find the right python executable, you can adjust its configuration file.

# customize python binary path for pixi
python_binary = [
  # this is the python from PATH if in a pixi shell
  # (assuming you don't have python on your global PATH)
  # fall back to pixi's python if it's available