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Pytorch Integration Guide#


This guide explains how to integrate PyTorch with pixi, it supports multiple ways of installing PyTorch.

  • Install PyTorch using conda-forge Conda channel (Recommended)
  • Install PyTorch using pypi, using our uv's integration. (Most versions available)
  • Install PyTorch using pytorch Conda channel (Legacy)

With these options you can choose the best way to install PyTorch based on your requirements.

System requirements#

In the context of PyTorch, system requirements help Pixi understand whether it can install and use CUDA-related packages. These requirements ensure compatibility during dependency resolution.

The key mechanism here is the use of virtual packages like __cuda. Virtual packages signal the available system capabilities (e.g., CUDA version). By specifying system-requirements.cuda = "12", you are telling Pixi that CUDA version 12 is available and can be used during resolution.

For example:

  • If a package depends on __cuda >= 12, Pixi will resolve the correct version.
  • If a package depends on __cuda without version constraints, any available CUDA version can be used.

Without setting the appropriate system-requirements.cuda, Pixi will default to installing the CPU-only versions of PyTorch and its dependencies.

A more in-depth explanation of system requirements can be found here.

Installing from Conda-forge#

You can install PyTorch using the conda-forge channel. These are the conda-forge community maintained builds of PyTorch. You can make direct use of the Nvidia provided packages to make sure the packages can work together.

Bare minimum conda-forge pytorch with cuda installation
channels = [""]
name = "pytorch-conda-forge"
platforms = ["linux-64", "win-64"]

cuda = "12.0"

pytorch-gpu = "*"
Bare minimum conda-forge pytorch with cuda installation
name = "pytorch-conda-forge"

channels = [""]
platforms = ["linux-64"]

cuda = "12.0"

pytorch-gpu = "*"

To deliberately install a specific version of the cuda packages you can depend on the cuda-version package which will then be interpreted by the other packages during resolution. The cuda-version package constraints the version of the __cuda virtual package and cudatoolkit package. This ensures that the correct version of the cudatoolkit package is installed and the tree of dependencies is resolved correctly.

Add cuda version to the conda-forge pytorch installation
pytorch-gpu = "*"
cuda-version = "12.6.*"
Add cuda version to the conda-forge pytorch installation
pytorch-gpu = "*"
cuda-version = "12.6.*"

With conda-forge you can also install the cpu version of PyTorch. A common use-case is having two environments, one for CUDA machines and one for non-CUDA machines.

Adding a cpu environment
channels = [""]
name = "pytorch-conda-forge"
platforms = ["linux-64"]

cuda = "12.0"

cuda-version = "12.6.*"
pytorch-gpu = "*"

pytorch-cpu = "*"

cpu = ["cpu"]
default = ["gpu"]
Split into environments and add a CPU environment
name = "pytorch-conda-forge"

channels = [""]
platforms = ["linux-64"]

cuda = "12.0"

cuda-version = "12.6.*"
pytorch-gpu = "*"

pytorch-cpu = "*"

cpu = ["cpu"]
default = ["gpu"]

Running these environments then can be done with the pixi run command.

pixi run --environment cpu python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"
pixi run -e gpu python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"

Now you should be able to extend that with your dependencies and tasks.

Here are some links to notable packages:

Installing from PyPi#

Thanks to the integration with uv we can also install PyTorch from pypi.

Mixing [dependencies] and [pypi-dependencies]

When using this approach for the torch package, you should also install the packages that depend on torch from pypi. Thus, not mix the PyPI packages with Conda packages if there are dependencies from the Conda packages to the PyPI ones.

The reason for this is that our resolving is a two step process, first resolve the Conda packages and then the PyPI packages. Thus this can not succeed if we require a Conda package to depend on a PyPI package.

Pytorch index#

PyTorch packages are provided through a custom index, these are similar to Conda channels, which are maintained by the PyTorch team. To install PyTorch from the PyTorch index, you need to add the indexes to manifest. Best to do this per dependency to force the index to be used.

Install PyTorch from pypi
channels = [""]
name = "pytorch-pypi"
platforms = ["osx-arm64", "linux-64", "win-64"]

# We need a python version that is compatible with pytorch
python = ">=3.11,<3.13"

torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

# OSX has no CUDA support so use the CPU here
torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }
Install PyTorch from pypi
name = "pytorch-pypi"
# We need a python version that is compatible with pytorch
requires-python = ">= 3.11,<3.13"

channels = [""]
platforms = ["osx-arm64", "linux-64", "win-64"]

torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

# OSX has no CUDA support so use the CPU here
torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

You can tell Pixi to use multiple environment for the multiple versions of PyTorch, either cpu or gpu.

Use multiple environments for the pypi pytorch installation
channels = [""]
name = "pytorch-pypi-envs"
platforms = ["linux-64", "win-64"]

# We need a python version that is compatible with pytorch
python = ">=3.11,<3.13"

system-requirements = { cuda = "12.0" }
torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

gpu = { features = ["gpu"] }
# Make CPU the default environment
default = { features = ["cpu"] }
Use multiple environments for the pypi pytorch installation
name = "pytorch-pypi-envs"
# We need a python version that is compatible with pytorch
requires-python = ">= 3.11,<3.13"

channels = [""]
platforms = ["linux-64", "win-64"]

system-requirements = { cuda = "12.0" }

torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

torch = { version = ">=2.5.1", index = "" }
torchvision = { version = ">=0.20.1", index = "" }

gpu = { features = ["gpu"] }
# Make CPU the default environment
default = { features = ["cpu"] }

Running these environments then can be done with the pixi run command.

pixi run --environment cpu python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__); print(torch.cuda.is_available())"
pixi run -e gpu python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__); print(torch.cuda.is_available())"

Mixing MacOS and CUDA with pypi-dependencies#

When using pypi-dependencies, Pixi creates a “solve” environment to resolve the PyPI dependencies. This process involves installing the Conda dependencies first and then resolving the PyPI packages within that environment.

This can become problematic if you’re on a macOS machine and trying to resolve the CUDA version of PyTorch for Linux or Windows. Since macOS doesn’t support those environments, the Conda dependencies for CUDA will fail to install, preventing proper resolution.

Current Status: The Pixi maintainers are aware of this limitation and are actively working on a solution to enable cross-platform dependency resolution for such cases.

In the meantime, you may need to run the resolution process on a machine that supports CUDA, such as a Linux or Windows host.

Installing from PyTorch channel#


This depends on the non-free main channel from Anaconda and mixing it with conda-forge can lead to conflicts.


This is the legacy way of installing pytorch, this will not be updated to later versions as pytorch has discontinued their channel.

Install PyTorch from the PyTorch channel
name = "pytorch-from-pytorch-channel"
# `main` is not free! It's a paid channel for organizations over 200 people.
channels = ["main", "nvidia", "pytorch"]
platforms = ["osx-arm64", "linux-64", "win-64"]

cuda = "12.0"

pytorch = "*"

gpu = ["gpu"]
Install PyTorch from the PyTorch channel
name = "pytorch-from-pytorch-channel"
requires-python = ">= 3.11, < 3.13"
version = "0.1.0"

# `main` is not free! It's a paid channel for organizations over 200 people.
channels = ["main", "nvidia", "pytorch"]
platforms = ["osx-arm64", "linux-64", "win-64"]

cuda = "12.0"

pytorch = "*"

gpu = ["gpu"]


When you had trouble figuring out why your PyTorch installation is not working, please share your solution or tips with the community by creating a PR to this documentation.

Testing the pytorch installation#

You can verify your PyTorch installation with this command:

pixi run python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__); print(torch.cuda.is_available())"

Checking the CUDA version of your machine#

To check which CUDA version Pixi detects on your machine, run:

pixi info

Example output:

Virtual packages: __unix=0=0
                : __linux=6.5.9=0
                : __cuda=12.5=0

If __cuda is missing, you can verify your system’s CUDA version using NVIDIA tools:


To check the version of the CUDA toolkit installed in your environment:

pixi run nvcc --version

Reasons for broken installations#

Broken installations often result from mixing incompatible channels or package sources:

  1. Mixing Conda Channels

    Using both conda-forge and the legacy pytorch channel can cause conflicts. Choose one channel and stick with it to avoid issues in the installed environment.

  2. Mixing Conda and PyPI Packages

    If you install PyTorch from pypi, all packages that depend on torch must also come from PyPI. Mixing Conda and PyPI packages within the same dependency chain leads to conflicts.

To summarize:

  • Pick one Conda channel (conda-forge or pytorch) to fetch pytorch from, and avoid mixing.
  • For PyPI installations, ensure all related packages come from PyPI.

GPU version of pytorch not installing:#

  1. Using conda-Forge
    • Ensure system-requirements.cuda is set to inform Pixi to install CUDA-enabled packages.
    • Use the cuda-version package to pin the desired CUDA version.
  2. Using PyPI
    • Use the appropriate PyPI index to fetch the correct CUDA-enabled wheels.

Environment Resolution Failures#

If you see an error like this: ABI tag mismatch

├─▶ failed to resolve pypi dependencies
╰─▶ Because only the following versions of torch are available:
  and torch==2.5.1 has no wheels with a matching Python ABI tag, we can conclude that torch>=2.5.1,<2.5.1+cpu cannot be used.
  And because torch==2.5.1+cpu has no wheels with a matching platform tag and you require torch>=2.5.1, we can conclude that your requirements are
This happens when the Python ABI tag (Application Binary Interface) doesn’t match the available PyPI wheels.


  • Check your Python version and ensure it’s compatible with the PyPI wheels for torch. The ABI tag is based on the Python version is embedded in the wheel filename, e.g. cp312 for Python 3.12.
  • If needed, lower the requires-python or python version in your configuration.
  • For example, as of now, PyTorch doesn’t fully support Python 3.13; use Python 3.12 or earlier.

Platform tag mismatch

├─▶ failed to resolve pypi dependencies
╰─▶ Because only the following versions of torch are available:
and torch>=2.5.1 has no wheels with a matching platform tag, we can conclude that torch>=2.5.1,<2.5.1+cu124 cannot be used.
And because you require torch>=2.5.1, we can conclude that your requirements are unsatisfiable.
This occurs when the platform tag doesn’t match the PyPI wheels available to be installed.

Example Issue: torch==2.5.1+cu124 (CUDA 12.4) was attempted on an osx machine, but this version is only available for linux-64 and win-64.

Solution: - Use the correct PyPI index for your platform: - CPU-only: Use the cpu index for all platforms. - CUDA versions: Use cu124 for linux-64 and win-64.

Correct Indexes: - CPU: - CUDA 12.4:

This ensures PyTorch installations are compatible with your system’s platform and Python version.