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pixi add#


Adds dependencies to the workspace


pixi add [OPTIONS] <SPEC>...


  • <SPEC>
    The dependency as names, conda MatchSpecs or PyPi requirements
    May be provided more than once.
    required: true


  • --pypi
    The specified dependencies are pypi dependencies. Conflicts with host and build
  • --platform (-p) <PLATFORM>
    The platform for which the dependency should be modified
    May be provided more than once.
  • --feature (-f) <FEATURE>
    The feature for which the dependency should be modified
    default: default

Config Options#

Git Options#

Update Options#

  • --no-install
    Don't modify the environment, only modify the lock-file
  • --revalidate
    Run the complete environment validation. This will reinstall a broken environment
  • --no-lockfile-update
    Don't update lockfile, implies the no-install as well
  • --frozen
    Install the environment as defined in the lockfile, doesn't update lockfile if it isn't up-to-date with the manifest file
    env: PIXI_FROZEN
  • --locked
    Check if lockfile is up-to-date before installing the environment, aborts when lockfile isn't up-to-date with the manifest file
    env: PIXI_LOCKED
  • --editable
    Whether the pypi requirement should be editable

Global Options#


Adds dependencies to the workspace

The dependencies should be defined as MatchSpec for conda package, or a PyPI requirement for the --pypi dependencies. If no specific version is provided, the latest version compatible with your workspace will be chosen automatically or a * will be used.

Example usage:

  • pixi add python=3.9: This will select the latest minor version that complies with 3.9.*, i.e., python version 3.9.0, 3.9.1, 3.9.2, etc.
  • pixi add python: In absence of a specified version, the latest version will be chosen. For instance, this could resolve to python version 3.11.3.* at the time of writing.

Adding multiple dependencies at once is also supported:

  • pixi add python pytest: This will add both python and pytest to the workspace's dependencies.

The --platform and --build/--host flags make the dependency target specific.

  • pixi add python --platform linux-64 --platform osx-arm64: Will add the latest version of python for linux-64 and osx-arm64 platforms.
  • pixi add python --build: Will add the latest version of python for as a build dependency.

Mixing --platform and --build/--host flags is supported

The --pypi option will add the package as a pypi dependency. This cannot be mixed with the conda dependencies

  • pixi add --pypi boto3
  • pixi add --pypi "boto3==version"

If the workspace manifest is a pyproject.toml, adding a pypi dependency will add it to the native pyproject project.dependencies array or to the native dependency-groups table if a feature is specified:

  • pixi add --pypi boto3 will add boto3 to the project.dependencies array
  • pixi add --pypi boto3 --feature aws will add boto3 to the array

Note that if --platform or --editable are specified, the pypi dependency will be added to the tool.pixi.pypi-dependencies table instead as native arrays have no support for platform-specific or editable dependencies.

These dependencies will then be read by pixi as if they had been added to the pixi pypi-dependencies tables of the default or of a named feature.

The versions will be automatically added with a pinning strategy based on semver or the pinning strategy set in the config. There is a list of packages that are not following the semver versioning scheme but will use the minor version by default: Python, Rust, Julia, GCC, GXX, GFortran, NodeJS, Deno, R, R-Base, Perl


pixi add numpy # (1)!
pixi add numpy pandas "pytorch>=1.8" # (2)!
pixi add "numpy>=1.22,<1.24" # (3)!
pixi add --manifest-path ~/myworkspace/pixi.toml numpy # (4)!
pixi add --host "python>=3.9.0" # (5)!
pixi add --build cmake # (6)!
pixi add --platform osx-64 clang # (7)!
pixi add --no-install numpy # (8)!
pixi add --no-lockfile-update numpy # (9)!
pixi add --feature featurex numpy # (10)!
pixi add --git boost-check # (11)!
pixi add --git --branch main --subdir boost-check boost-check # (12)!
pixi add --git --tag v0.1.0 boost-check # (13)!
pixi add --git --rev e50d4a1 boost-check # (14)!

# Add a pypi dependency
pixi add --pypi requests[security] # (15)!
pixi add --pypi Django==5.1rc1 # (16)!
pixi add --pypi "boltons>=24.0.0" --feature lint # (17)!
pixi add --pypi "boltons @" # (18)!
pixi add --pypi "exchangelib @ git+" # (19)!
pixi add --pypi "project @ file:///absolute/path/to/project" # (20)!
pixi add --pypi "project@file:///absolute/path/to/project" --editable # (21)!
pixi add --git boltons --pypi # (22)!
pixi add --git boltons --branch main --pypi # (23)!
pixi add --git boltons --rev e50d4a1 --pypi # (24)!
pixi add --git boltons --tag v0.1.0 --pypi # (25)!
pixi add --git boltons --tag v0.1.0 --pypi --subdir boltons # (26)!
  1. This will add the numpy package to the project with the latest available for the solved environment.
  2. This will add multiple packages to the project solving them all together.
  3. This will add the numpy package with the version constraint.
  4. This will add the numpy package to the project of the manifest file at the given path.
  5. This will add the python package as a host dependency. There is currently no different behavior for host dependencies.
  6. This will add the cmake package as a build dependency. There is currently no different behavior for build dependencies.
  7. This will add the clang package only for the osx-64 platform.
  8. This will add the numpy package to the manifest and lockfile, without installing it in an environment.
  9. This will add the numpy package to the manifest without updating the lockfile or installing it in the environment.
  10. This will add the numpy package in the feature featurex.
  11. This will add the boost-check source package to the dependencies from the git repository.
  12. This will add the boost-check source package to the dependencies from the git repository using main branch and the boost-check folder in the repository.
  13. This will add the boost-check source package to the dependencies from the git repository using v0.1.0 tag.
  14. This will add the boost-check source package to the dependencies from the git repository using e50d4a1 revision.
  15. This will add the requests package as pypi dependency with the security extra.
  16. This will add the pre-release version of Django to the project as a pypi dependency.
  17. This will add the boltons package in the feature lint as pypi dependency.
  18. This will add the boltons package with the given url as pypi dependency.
  19. This will add the exchangelib package with the given git url as pypi dependency.
  20. This will add the project package with the given file url as pypi dependency.
  21. This will add the project package with the given file url as an editable package as pypi dependency.
  22. This will add the boltons package with the given git url as pypi dependency.
  23. This will add the boltons package with the given git url and main branch as pypi dependency.
  24. This will add the boltons package with the given git url and e50d4a1 revision as pypi dependency.
  25. This will add the boltons package with the given git url and v0.1.0 tag as pypi dependency.
  26. This will add the boltons package with the given git url, v0.1.0 tag and the boltons folder in the repository as pypi dependency.


If you want to use a non default pinning strategy, you can set it using pixi's configuration.

pixi config set pinning-strategy no-pin --global
The default is semver which will pin the dependencies to the latest major version or minor for v0 versions.


There is an exception to this rule when you add a package we defined as non semver, then we'll use the minor strategy. These are the packages we defined as non semver: Python, Rust, Julia, GCC, GXX, GFortran, NodeJS, Deno, R, R-Base, Perl