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pixi global install#


Installs the defined packages in a globally accessible location and exposes their command line applications.


Running osx-64 on Apple Silicon will install the Intel binary but run it using Rosetta

pixi global install --platform osx-64 ruff

After using global install, you can use the package you installed anywhere on your system.


pixi global install [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>...


    Specifies the package that should be installed
    May be provided more than once.
    required: true


  • --channel (-c) <CHANNEL>
    The channels to consider as a name or a url. Multiple channels can be specified by using this field multiple times
    May be provided more than once.
  • --platform (-p) <PLATFORM>
    The platform to install the packages for
  • --environment (-e) <ENVIRONMENT>
    Ensures that all packages will be installed in the same environment
  • --expose <EXPOSE>
    Add one or more mapping which describe which executables are exposed. The syntax is exposed_name=executable_name, so for example python3.10=python. Alternatively, you can input only an executable_name and executable_name=executable_name is assumed
    May be provided more than once.
  • --with <WITH>
    Add additional dependencies to the environment. Their executables will not be exposed
    May be provided more than once.
  • --force-reinstall
    Specifies that the environment should be reinstalled
  • --no-shortcut
    Specifies that no shortcuts should be created for the installed packages

Config Options#


Installs the defined packages in a globally accessible location and exposes their command line applications.


  • pixi global install starship nushell ripgrep bat
  • pixi global install jupyter --with polars
  • pixi global install --expose python3.8=python python=3.8
  • pixi global install --environment science --expose jupyter --expose ipython jupyter ipython polars


pixi global install ruff
# Multiple packages can be installed at once
pixi global install starship rattler-build
# Specify the channel(s)
pixi global install --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda trackplot
# Or in a more concise form
pixi global install -c conda-forge -c bioconda trackplot

# Support full conda matchspec
pixi global install python=3.9.*
pixi global install "python [version='3.11.0', build_number=1]"
pixi global install "python [version='3.11.0', build=he550d4f_1_cpython]"
pixi global install python=3.11.0=h10a6764_1_cpython

# Install for a specific platform, only useful on osx-arm64
pixi global install --platform osx-64 ruff

# Install a package with all its executables exposed, together with additional packages that don't expose anything
pixi global install ipython --with numpy --with scipy

# Install into a specific environment name and expose all executables
pixi global install --environment data-science ipython jupyterlab numpy matplotlib

# Expose the binary under a different name
pixi global install --expose "py39=python3.9" "python=3.9.*"