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pixi global list#


Lists all packages previously installed into a globally accessible location via pixi global install.


pixi global list [OPTIONS] [REGEX]


  • <REGEX>
    List only packages matching a regular expression. Without regex syntax it acts like a contains filter


Config Options#


Lists all packages previously installed into a globally accessible location via pixi global install.

All environments:

  • Yellow: the binaries that are exposed.
  • Green: the packages that are explicit dependencies of the environment.
  • Blue: the version of the installed package.
  • Cyan: the name of the environment.

Per environment:

  • Green: packages that are explicitly installed.


We'll only show the dependencies and exposed binaries of the environment if they differ from the environment name. Here is an example of a few installed packages:

pixi global list
Results in:
Global environments at /home/user/.pixi:
├── gh: 2.57.0
├── pixi-pack: 0.1.8
├── python: 3.11.0
│   └─ exposes: 2to3, 2to3-3.11, idle3, idle3.11, pydoc, pydoc3, pydoc3.11, python, python3, python3-config, python3.1, python3.11, python3.11-config
├── rattler-build: 0.22.0
├── ripgrep: 14.1.0
│   └─ exposes: rg
├── vim: 9.1.0611
│   └─ exposes: ex, rview, rvim, view, vim, vimdiff, vimtutor, xxd
└── zoxide: 0.9.6

Here is an example of list of a single environment:

pixi g list -e pixi-pack
Results in:
The 'pixi-pack' environment has 8 packages:
Package          Version    Build        Size
_libgcc_mutex    0.1        conda_forge  2.5 KiB
_openmp_mutex    4.5        2_gnu        23.1 KiB
ca-certificates  2024.8.30  hbcca054_0   155.3 KiB
libgcc           14.1.0     h77fa898_1   826.5 KiB
libgcc-ng        14.1.0     h69a702a_1   50.9 KiB
libgomp          14.1.0     h77fa898_1   449.4 KiB
openssl          3.3.2      hb9d3cd8_0   2.8 MiB
pixi-pack        0.1.8      hc762bcd_0   4.3 MiB
Package          Version    Build        Size

Platform: linux-64