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pixi workspace channel add#


Adds a channel to the manifest and updates the lockfile


pixi workspace channel add [OPTIONS] <CHANNEL>...


    The channel name or URL
    May be provided more than once.
    required: true


  • --priority <PRIORITY>
    Specify the channel priority
  • --prepend
    Add the channel(s) to the beginning of the channels list, making them the highest priority

Config Options#

Update Options#

  • --no-install
    Don't modify the environment, only modify the lock-file
  • --revalidate
    Run the complete environment validation. This will reinstall a broken environment
  • --no-lockfile-update
    Don't update lockfile, implies the no-install as well
  • --frozen
    Install the environment as defined in the lockfile, doesn't update lockfile if it isn't up-to-date with the manifest file
    env: PIXI_FROZEN
  • --locked
    Check if lockfile is up-to-date before installing the environment, aborts when lockfile isn't up-to-date with the manifest file
    env: PIXI_LOCKED
  • --feature (-f) <FEATURE>
    The name of the feature to modify

Global Options#