Bringing Pixi to Production#
One way to bring a Pixi package into production is to containerize it using tools like Docker or Podman.
We provide a simple docker image at pixi-docker
that contains the Pixi executable on top of different base images.
The images are available on
There are different tags for different base images available:
- based onubuntu:jammy
- based onubuntu:focal
- based ondebian:bullseye
- based onnvidia/cuda:12.2.2-jammy
- ... and more
All tags
For all tags, take a look at the build script.
Example Usage#
The following example uses the Pixi docker image as a base image for a multi-stage build.
It also makes use of pixi shell-hook
to not rely on Pixi being installed in the production container.
More examples
For more examples, take a look at pavelzw/pixi-docker-example.
FROM AS build
# copy source code, pixi.toml and pixi.lock to the container
COPY . .
# install dependencies to `/app/.pixi/envs/prod`
# use `--locked` to ensure the lockfile is up to date with pixi.toml
RUN pixi install --locked -e prod
# create the shell-hook bash script to activate the environment
RUN pixi shell-hook -e prod -s bash > /shell-hook
RUN echo "#!/bin/bash" > /app/
RUN cat /shell-hook >> /app/
# extend the shell-hook script to run the command passed to the container
RUN echo 'exec "$@"' >> /app/
FROM ubuntu:24.04 AS production
# only copy the production environment into prod container
# please note that the "prefix" (path) needs to stay the same as in the build container
COPY --from=build /app/.pixi/envs/prod /app/.pixi/envs/prod
COPY --from=build --chmod=0755 /app/ /app/
# copy your project code into the container as well
COPY ./my_project /app/my_project
ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/" ]
# run your app inside the pixi environment
CMD [ "uvicorn", "my_project:app", "--host", "" ]