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What is the difference with conda, mamba, poetry, pip#

Tool Installs python Builds packages Runs predefined tasks Has lock files builtin Fast Use without python
Pixi 🚧

Why the name pixi#

Starting with the name prefix we iterated until we had a name that was easy to pronounce, spell and remember. There also wasn't a CLI tool yet using that name. Unlike px, pex, pax, etc. When in code mode we spell it like this pixi, otherwise we always start with an uppercase letter: Pixi. We think the name sparks curiosity and fun, if you don't agree, I'm sorry, but you can always alias it to whatever you like.

alias not_pixi="pixi"


New-Alias -Name not_pixi -Value pixi

Where is pixi build#

TL;DR: It's coming we promise!

pixi build is going to be the subcommand that can generate a conda package out of a Pixi project. This requires a solid build tool which we're creating with rattler-build which will be used as a library in pixi.