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pixi remove#


Removes dependencies from the workspace

If the project manifest is a pyproject.toml, removing a pypi dependency with the --pypi flag will remove it from either

  • the native pyproject project.dependencies array or the native project.optional-dependencies table (if a feature is specified)
  • pixi pypi-dependencies tables of the default or a named feature (if a feature is specified)


pixi remove [OPTIONS] <SPEC>...


  • <SPEC>
    The dependency as names, conda MatchSpecs or PyPi requirements
    May be provided more than once.
    required: true


  • --pypi
    The specified dependencies are pypi dependencies. Conflicts with host and build
  • --platform (-p) <PLATFORM>
    The platform for which the dependency should be modified
    May be provided more than once.
  • --feature (-f) <FEATURE>
    The feature for which the dependency should be modified
    default: default

Config Options#

Git Options#

Update Options#

  • --no-install
    Don't modify the environment, only modify the lock-file
  • --revalidate
    Run the complete environment validation. This will reinstall a broken environment
  • --no-lockfile-update
    Don't update lockfile, implies the no-install as well
  • --frozen
    Install the environment as defined in the lockfile, doesn't update lockfile if it isn't up-to-date with the manifest file
    env: PIXI_FROZEN
  • --locked
    Check if lockfile is up-to-date before installing the environment, aborts when lockfile isn't up-to-date with the manifest file
    env: PIXI_LOCKED

Global Options#


Removes dependencies from the workspace.

If the workspace manifest is a pyproject.toml, removing a pypi dependency with the --pypi flag will remove it from either

  • the native pyproject project.dependencies array or, if a feature is specified, the native project.optional-dependencies table
  • pixi pypi-dependencies tables of the default feature or, if a feature is specified, a named feature


pixi remove numpy
pixi remove numpy pandas pytorch
pixi remove --manifest-path ~/myworkspace/pixi.toml numpy
pixi remove --host python
pixi remove --build cmake
pixi remove --pypi requests
pixi remove --platform osx-64 --build clang
pixi remove --feature featurex clang
pixi remove --feature featurex --platform osx-64 clang
pixi remove --feature featurex --platform osx-64 --build clang
pixi remove --no-install numpy